Plantin’s liminal contributions to the integrated study of the cognitive, emotional, and social dimensions of argumentative practices in educational contexts

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Constanza Padilla


Christian Plantin’s diverse contributions to contemporary studies on argumentation are unquestionable and are projected in multiple directions. On the one hand, they contribute to making visible the complex and multidimensional nature of argumentative practices in various contexts (social, intercultural, educational, institutional, political, legal, scientific, among others), from a theoretical and methodological approach that focuses strongly on the critical analysis of the so-called argumentative data. On the other hand, from this analytical acuity, it evaluates the numerous theories of argumentation, rescuing their strong points, but at the same time, pointing out the limitations of their explanatory powers in the light of these same data of reality. In relation to this, the purpose of this article is to rescue Plantin’s ideas that are particularly relevant to ponder his liminal contributions to the educational field, especially those related to the need for an integrated study of the cognitive, emotional and social dimensions of situated argumentative practices; an integral vision that has been strengthened throughout his academic career and that has been projected in the collaborative work with educational researchers from different disciplinary areas and in the legacy collected by doctoral disciples. At the same time, these contributions are interrelated with other interdisciplinary approaches to appreciate the convergence of his thinking regarding recurrent research that focus on the relationship between argumentative practices and teaching and learning processes in different fields of knowledge.


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Padilla, C. . (2023). Plantin’s liminal contributions to the integrated study of the cognitive, emotional, and social dimensions of argumentative practices in educational contexts. Rétor, 13(2).
Dossier. Homenaje a Christian Plantin


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