Christian Plantin’s contributions to the study of emotions and their relevance for media analysis

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Silvia Gutiérrez Vidrio


Christin Plantin, linguist and argumentation theorist, Emeritus Professor at the University of Lyon2 and former Research Director of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) has been working on the subject of emotions for many years and is one of the most important researchers in this field of study. His research in relation to the topic of emotions has served as a theoretical and methodological basis for researchers dedicated to its study. The purpose of this text is, therefore, to provide an account of some of the most important contributions of Plantin to the field of study of emotions in discourse and argumentation. In the last section of the text, I present two research projects in which I have applied Plantin’s model to the study of emotions in the media.


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Gutiérrez Vidrio, S. . (2023). Christian Plantin’s contributions to the study of emotions and their relevance for media analysis. Rétor, 13(2).
Dossier. Homenaje a Christian Plantin


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