Argumentative analysis of a cancellation case

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Alicia E. Carrizo


The objective of the work is to account for a social phenomenon, public cancellation, from the linguistic analysis of interactional argumentation, focusing especially on the resources that are put into play in discursive strategies. The case discussed is the controversy generated as a result of the 2020 Peter C. Marzio Award that was awarded to art critic Rodrigo Cañete by the International Center for the Arts of the Americas (ICAA) of the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston. Various national cultural organizations repudiated the mention due to the critic’s antisocial behavior on social networks and, days later, the institution decided to rescind the award. The speeches that accompanied the cancellation privileged arguments of moral emotion that crossed into the field

of art and affected Cañete’s professional work. The corpus is made up of texts from the Houston Museum and Argentine groups (Nosotras Proponemos, Curadorxs en Dialogo, Argentine Association of Art Critics and Alexandra Kehayoglou’s petition on The initial hypothesis is that the use of value-based reasons arguments operates as a rhetorical strategy that seeks to trigger a pragmatic action, in the manner of compromising speech acts (Searle, 2001) that interactively pressure the other party to accept. the position under discussion. The results show a social practice of manifest violence in which, beyond the justness of the cause, the consequences lead to the annulment of dissent and discrimination of the person.


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Carrizo, A. E. . (2023). Argumentative analysis of a cancellation case. Rétor, 13(2).
Dossier. Homenaje a Christian Plantin


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