Metáfora y metonimia en El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo, de José María Arguedas

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Daniel Cortés


The last work of the Peruvian writer José María Arguedas has the double attraction of its mix of genres and dramatic projection of the struggle against suicide besieged the author for his writing. Moreover, this novel focused on many issues and problems dealt with throughout his peculiar work: social and economic situation in Peru, the race mixing, bilingualism, acculturation, the opposite regionalism, politics. We have chosen the figures of metaphor and metonymy scattered up El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo as privileged key to understanding not only good part of the constitution of the novel, but the very thought of Arguedas in relation to the matters referred to. Our analysis depart from the conceptual framework of the rhetoric of the Liege Group -better known as Group µ- and Greimasian structural semantics but to complete the face interpretive approaches draw on Roman Jakobson’s approaches and psychoanalysis to explain more deeply the linguistic and cognitive mechanisms underlying the functioning of these figures. Methodologically, we proceeded to select syntagma of variable-length - sentences, phrases, tropes- which exhibited in one way or another the involvement of these constitutive mechanisms, compared, contrasted and finally extracted their common features to group them into meaningful sets that account for the characteristics of Arguedas’s imaginary and its positioning in the various problems referred to, before his death. 


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Cortés, D. . (2022). Metáfora y metonimia en El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo, de José María Arguedas. Rétor, 1(2), 131–157. Retrieved from